Kristin’s second book, How Do I Tax Thee?, was published by St. Martin’s Press on March 20.

Did you know that income taxes make up less than half your personal tax burden? Every year, Americans pay at least $657.5 billion in “hidden” taxes. Such stealth taxes balloon the cost of subway tickets, gasoline, cab fares, restaurant meals, movie tickets, and utility bills.

How Do I Tax Thee? will show readers how to spot hidden taxes–and how to keep more of their hard-earned money.

Order Kristin Tate’s new book on Amazon or Barnes & Noble now…


Praise for Kristin’s first book, GOVERNMENT GONE WILD:

“This book is really special. Kristin is a firebrand, a tremendous investigative reporter, and this book is a real eye-opener.” -Stephen K. Bannon, Breitbart News Executive Chairman 

“GOVERNMENT GONE WILD is a tour de force! Anybody who is looking for what comes next in America should pick up this book right now and read it straight through.” -Nick Gillespie, editor in chief of 

“Kristin Tate emerges on the scene as the voice of the millennial generation in GOVERNMENT GONE WILD. Insightful, unexpectedly thought-provoking, and with a heavy dose of humor, this really is a must read for anyone irked by the status quo in Washington.” -Carla Gericke, president of the Free State Project

“Kristin Tate exposes the dark underbelly of our government at work through her insight and her passion. This is a must read if you want to help establish a high ethical standard in our government.” -James O’Keefe, New York Times bestselling author and president of Project Veritas 

“GOVERNMENT GONE WILD is a wake-up call from Kristin Tate. In a lively style, she makes it clear that you’re not nearly as free as you think you are. A lot of what she has to say may rub you the wrong way, but it’s a message you need to hear.” -Scott Rasmussen, New York Times bestselling author

Order GOVERNMENT GONE WILD on Barnes & Noble or Amazon today.

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How to Get America Back on the Wagon: Real Hope and Solutions

You really think you’re free? #LOL.

D.C. politicians ship our friends and family overseas to fight in wars we shouldn’t be fighting. They monitor our emails, record our phone calls, and peer into our snail mail. They spend our hard-earned cash on things no disciplined family would buy. They tell us who we can marry and what we can put in our bodies. They throw us in overcrowded prisons for smoking pot. They take lavish trips around the world, staying in five-star hotels… and it comes straight out of our paychecks.

This isn’t freedom.

GOVERNMENT GONE WILD is a brash, bold ride through the carnival of absurdities that our broken system has become. This isn’t about Democrats vs. Republicans… it’s about inspiring hard working Americans to give a damn so we can take our country back. This is your wake up call. You’re not anywhere near as free as you think you are – but you can be. We’re not as prosperous as we once were – but we can be.

Get Kristin’s book today!

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