Kristin Tate writes a weekly column in The Hill Newspaper. Her work is routinely featured on cable news networks, as well as Real Clear Politics and the Drudge Report. Kristin has also written for outlets including Newsweek, The National Review, The Washington Examiner, and The Daily Caller.

Coming Soon: America’s own social credit system

Biden unemployment blunder is crushing economic supply chains

Biden reaches economic point of no return

$2 Trillion Coronabailout Proves Crony Capitalism Knows No Bounds

How the $23 trillion debt crisis in America affects your own money

Is dumping Trump worth a recession?

Why Republicans may lose Texas

A GOP-led edge: Red states see less unemployment, more economic growth

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Republicans are the party of civil liberties as Democrats walk away

How can top Democrats run the economy with no business experience? 

As companies flee blue cities, middle class workers hurt most

Negative American trends open door to Chinese world influence

Red states are the economic future

Elizabeth Warren will fail to shine in her moment on the trail 

Impeachment obsession could help keep Trump in office

Why New York City loses more residents than the rest of America

Democrats demonizing Trump supporters destroys accurate polls

Why the Trump tax cuts could turn into a problem for Republicans

Texas may cost Trump 2020

As the wealthy flee New York, the poorest will be most affected

Crazy pork barrel projects are one more exhibit of reckless spending

Millions of taxpayer dollars fueled Bernie Sanders to wealth success

Moving from New York to Florida saves much more than just taxes

Taxpayer dollars are footing the spiraling costs of illegal immigration

The sheer size of our government workforce is alarming, and we can’t afford it

Democrats have debate delusion that leaves them wildly outfoxed

New York budget disaster further fueling exodus from Empire State

Federal employees get perks taxpayers can only dream of

Mandated corporate diversity is just another misguided policy

Will you have to pay the Netflix tax?

Trump is ignoring the biggest economic crisis of our generation

Trump can’t fall for Democrats’ gas tax trap

Middle class is disappearing in California as wealth gap grows

In Democrats’ tax plan, middle class pays while rich find shelters

Trump’s cannot be ‘King of Debt’ when it comes to government

The Great Exodus Out of America’s Blue Cities

The Biggest Political Scandal of Our Time Is the National Debt

If You Can’t Salute the Man, Salute the Rank

For the nation’s “leading” politicians and journalists: A reckoning

Terror speech shows Trump can win the ‘open minded’ vote

How Puerto Rico’s Financial Crisis Helps Democrats

The Birth of the Cool Republican 

How Republicans Can Capture the Millennial Vote

What Bernie Sanders Can Do for the GOP